SubChapter I. Title and Purpose
§ 25.12.010. Short title.
§ 25.12.020. Purpose and declaration of policy.
SubChapter II. Definitions
§ 25.12.030. Definitions generally.
§ 25.12.040. Alteration.
§ 25.12.050. Approval of designation.
§ 25.12.060. Approval of nomination.
§ 25.12.070. Board.
§ 25.12.080. Certificate of approval.
§ 25.12.090. Controls.
§ 25.12.100. Council.
§ 25.12.110. Designating ordinance.
§ 25.12.115. Construction and Inspections.
§ 25.12.120. Economic incentives.
§ 25.12.130. Hearing Examiner.
§ 25.12.140. Improvement.
§ 25.12.150. Interested person of record.
§ 25.12.160. Landmark.
§ 25.12.180. Nomination.
§ 25.12.190. Object.
§ 25.12.200. Owner.
§ 25.12.210. Party of record.
§ 25.12.220. Person.
§ 25.12.240. Significant change
§ 25.12.250. Site.
SubChapter III. Landmarks Preservation Board
§ 25.12.270. Creation
§ 25.12.280. Membership.
§ 25.12.290. Vacancy filling.
§ 25.12.300. Rules and regulations.
§ 25.12.310. Quorum—Voting.
§ 25.12.320. Staff—Historic Preservation Officer
§ 25.12.330. Board meetings.
§ 25.12.340. Electronic record of hearings.
SubChapter IV. Designation of Landmark Sites
§ 25.12.350. Standards for designation.
§ 25.12.360. Separate nomination and designation of site and object or improvement.
§ 25.12.370. Nomination
§ 25.12.375. Exemption from permit timelines.
§ 25.12.380. Notice of Board meeting on approval of nomination.
§ 25.12.390. Board approval of nomination.
§ 25.12.400. Notification of approval of nomination.
§ 25.12.410. Disapproval of nomination.
§ 25.12.420. Board meeting on approval of designation.
§ 25.12.430. Board action on approval of designation.
§ 25.12.440. Notice of report on designation.
§ 25.12.450. Disapproval of designation.
SubChapter V. Controls and Incentives
§ 25.12.490. Negotiation with owner.
§ 25.12.500. Negotiations-Procedure and time requirements.
§ 25.12.510. Effect of Board approval of agreement.
§ 25.12.520. Effect of failure to agree or disapproval of agreement.
§ 25.12.530. Filing of recommendation and objections with Hearing Examiner.
§ 25.12.535. Owner's objections to Board's recommendation.
§ 25.12.540. Scheduling of hearing.
§ 25.12.560. Hearing Examiner procedure.
§ 25.12.570. Basis for Hearing Examiner's recommendation.
§ 25.12.580. Owners shall not be deprived of reasonable economic use.
§ 25.12.590. Factors to be considered.
§ 25.12.600. Information.
§ 25.12.610. Hearing Examiner recommendations—Referral to Council.
§ 25.12.620. Right of appeal to Council.
§ 25.12.630. Procedure on appeal to Council.
§ 25.12.640. Council action on appeal.
§ 25.12.650. Designating ordinance—Amendment or repeal.
§ 25.12.660. Designating ordinance—Information required.
SubChapter VI. Alterations or Significant Changes
§ 25.12.670. Requirement of certificate of approval.
§ 25.12.680. Application for certificate of approval—Filing.
§ 25.12.690. Application for certificate of approval—In conjunction with permit application.
§ 25.12.700. Application for certificate of approval—Similar changes.
§ 25.12.710. Fee for certificate of approval.
§ 25.12.720. Board meeting on certificate of approval.
§ 25.12.730. Board decision on certificate of approval.
§ 25.12.735. Development standards departures
§ 25.12.740. Appeal to Hearing Examiner.
§ 25.12.750. Factors to be considered by Board or Hearing Examiner.
§ 25.12.760. Hearing Examiner procedure.
§ 25.12.770. Failure of timely decision.
§ 25.12.835. Demolition.
SubChapter VII. General Provisions
§ 25.12.840. Service of notices.
§ 25.12.845. Requests for interpretation.
§ 25.12.850. Termination of proceedings.
§ 25.12.860. Revision or revocation of designation, controls, incentives.
§ 25.12.870. Staff reports and studies.
§ 25.12.880. Economic incentives—City authorities.
§ 25.12.890. Conformance with general development.
§ 25.12.900. Advice and guidance to property owners.
SubChapter VIII. Enforcement and Penalties
§ 25.12.910. Designated.