§ 25.12.735. Development standards departures  

Latest version.
  • A.

    An applicant seeking a certificate of approval for new multifamily, commercial or major institution development, that is not otherwise subject to design review pursuant to Section 23.41.004, may also seek land use code departures from the Landmarks Preservation Board, or the applicable Landmark District Board or Historical Commission. A Landmarks Preservation Board, or the applicable Landmark District Board or Historical Commission, may recommend granting a departure where an applicant demonstrates the departure would result in a development that better meets the requirements of Chapter 25.12, the use and development standards for the district, and the purpose for creating the district.


    Departures may be granted from any Land Use Code standard or requirement, except for the standards or requirements described in subsection 23.41.012.B.


    The Landmarks Preservation Board, or the applicable Landmark District Board or Historical Commission, shall recommend, in writing, to the Director of the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections whether to approve, or deny any departure.


    Departures authorized by this Section 25.12.735 do not limit the approval of waivers or modifications of development standards permitted by other provisions of the Seattle Municipal Code.


    The Director of the Department of Neighborhoods, in coordination with the Director of the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections, may establish, by rule, procedures for a Landmarks Preservation Board, or the applicable Landmark District Board or Historical Commission, to review and prepare a recommendation on whether to approve or deny any requested departure.

(Ord. 125429 , § 32, 2017.)