§ 25.12.370. Nomination  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any person including the Historic Preservation Officer and any member of the Board may nominate any site, improvement or object for designation as a landmark. Nominations may be made on official nomination forms provided by the Historic Preservation Officer, shall be filed with the Historic Preservation Officer, and shall include all data required by the Board.


    The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections shall refer improvements, sites, or objects to the Landmarks Board that exceed the thresholds in Tables A and B for Footnote (1) for 25.05.800.B.5 and B.6, and that appear to meet criteria set forth in this Chapter 25.12 for landmark designation. The referral shall be in the form of a nomination and shall include the information required by the Board for a nomination. Board consideration of the referred building, site, or object shall proceed in the same manner as a nomination.


    Nominations found by the Historic Preservation Officer to contain adequate information shall be considered by the Board at a public meeting. The Historic Preservation Officer or the Board may amend or complete any nomination. The nominator may withdraw the nomination prior to the Board's meeting regarding it, unless the nomination is a referral from the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections as part of its environmental review of pending permit applications.

(Ord. 124919 , § 191, 2015; Ord. 123937, § 2, 2012; Ord. 121276 , § 37, 2003; Ord. 118012 , § 77, 1996; Ord. 106348 , § 4.01, 1977)