§ 25.12.520. Effect of failure to agree or disapproval of agreement.  

Latest version.
  • In the event the Board staff and the owner are unable to reach an agreement, or the agreement reached is disapproved by the Board, the Board shall file its recommendation on controls and incentives with the Hearing Examiner and the City Clerk, serve it on the owner, and mail a copy to interested persons of record. The controls proposed in such recommendation shall relate to the specific feature or features of the site, improvement or object which are identified in the Board's report on designation. The recommendation shall set forth the reasons for the proposed controls and for any proposed incentives. The recommendation shall, in addition, state the circumstances under which a certificate of approval shall be required with respect to any alteration or significant change to the site, improvement or object if the proposed controls are imposed.

(Ord. 122496 , § 1, 2007; Ord. 118012 § 91, 1996: Ord. 106348 § 8.03, 1977)