SubChapter I. General Provisions
§ 14.04.010. Short title.
§ 14.04.020. Declaration of policy
§ 14.04.030. Definitions
SubChapter II. Unfair Employment Practices and Exclusions
§ 14.04.040. Unfair employment practices designated.
§ 14.04.050. Exclusions from unfair practices.
SubChapter III. Administration and Enforcement
§ 14.04.060. Powers and duties of Department.
§ 14.04.070. Powers and duties of Commission.
§ 14.04.080. Charge filing.
§ 14.04.090. Charge—Time for filing
§ 14.04.100. Charge—Amendments.
§ 14.04.110. Charge—Notice and investigation.
§ 14.04.120. Findings of fact and determination of reasonable cause or no reasonable cause.
§ 14.04.130. Determination of no reasonable cause—Appeal from and dismissal.
§ 14.04.140. Determination of reasonable cause—Conciliation and settlement of cases involving all respondents except City departments.
§ 14.04.150. Determinations of reasonable cause—Conciliation, settlement and conclusion of cases involving City departments as respondents.
§ 14.04.160. Appeals to the Commission from determinations of reasonable cause and orders of excess involving City departments as respondents.
§ 14.04.170. Complaint and hearing of cases with all respondents except City departments.
§ 14.04.180. Decision and order
§ 14.04.185. Enforcement by private persons.
§ 14.04.190. Construction with other laws.
§ 14.04.200. Cooperative agreements.
§ 14.04.210. Violation—Penalty.
§ 14.04.220. Application to pending charges and complaints.
§ 14.04.230. Application to domestic workers, hiring entities, and domestic service