§ 14.04.090. Charge—Time for filing  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Charges filed under this Chapter 14.04 must be filed within one year and six months after the occurrence of the alleged unfair employment practice with the Office for Civil Rights.


    For purposes of this chapter, an unfair employment practice occurs, with respect to discrimination in compensation in violation of this chapter, when a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice is adopted, when an individual becomes subject to a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice, or when an individual is affected by application of a discriminatory compensation decision or other practice, including each time wages, benefits, or other compensation is paid, resulting in whole or in part from such a decision or other practice.

    In addition to any relief authorized by this chapter, liability may accrue and an aggrieved person may obtain relief as provided in this chapter, including recovery of back pay for up to two years preceding the filing of the charge, where the unlawful employment practices that have occurred during the charge filing period are similar or related to unlawful employment practices with regard to discrimination in compensation that occurred outside the time for filing a charge.

(Ord. 125576 , § 2, 2018; Ord. 123527, § 4, 2011; Ord. 118392 § 28, 1996: Ord. 109116 § 7(B), 1980.)