§ 14.04.130. Determination of no reasonable cause—Appeal from and dismissal.  

Latest version.
  • If a determination is made that there is no reasonable cause for believing an unfair employment practice under this chapter has been committed, the charging party shall have the right to appeal such determination to the Commission within 30 days of the date the determination is signed by the Director by filing a written statement of appeal with the Commission. The Commission shall promptly deliver a copy of the statement to the Department and respondent and shall promptly consider and act upon such appeal by either affirming the Director's determination or, if the Commission believes the Director should investigate further, remanding it to the Director with a request for specific further investigation. In the event no appeal is taken or such appeal results in affirmance or if the Commission has not decided the appeal within 90 days from the date the appeal statement is filed, the determination of the Director shall be final and the charge deemed dismissed and the same shall be entered on the records of the Department.

(Ord. 123864, § 1, 2012; Ord. 118392 , § 32, 1996; Ord. 109116 , § 10, 1980.)