§ 22.204.030. "B."  

Latest version.
  • A.

    "Basement" means any floor level below the first story in a building. See "Story."


    "Building" means any structure which is used, designed or intended to be used for human habitation or other use.


    Building, Closed. See "Building, closed to unauthorized entry."


    Building, Closed to Entry. See "Building, closed to unauthorized entry."


    "Building, closed to unauthorized entry" means a building which meets the standards of Section 22.206.200 A4.


    Building, Historic. "Historic building" means a building or structure which has been nominated or designated for preservation by the Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board pursuant to SMC Sections 25.12.350 through 25.12.440 or The State of Washington; has been listed, or has been determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historical Places or on the Washington State Register of Historic Places; or is located in a landmark historic district created pursuant to SMC Chapter 25.12 and is subject to landmark controls imposed by a landmark district designating ordinance.


    "Building service room" means a room available for the joint use of occupants of two (2) or more housing units, other than public hallways and exit passages, e.g. game rooms, laundry rooms, saunas and TV rooms.


    Building, Vacant. See "Building, vacated."


    Building, Vacated. "Vacated building" means a building that is unoccupied and is not used as a place of residence or business. At the discretion of the Director, a portion of a vacated building may be occupied if the occupied portion meets the standards for habitable buildings specified in this Code and the vacated and closed portion complies with the standards for vacant buildings in Section 22.206.200.

(Ord. 113545 § 4(part), 1987.)