§ 14.08.010. Short title and purposes.
§ 14.08.015. Seattle Open Housing Poster
§ 14.08.020. Definitions
§ 14.08.030. Unfair practices forbidden.
§ 14.08.040. Unfair practices—Generally
§ 14.08.045. Retaliation, harassment, or coercion.
§ 14.08.050. First-in-time
§ 14.08.060. Discrimination in real estate-related transactions
§ 14.08.070. Unfair inquiries or advertisements
§ 14.08.080. Unfair inducement to sell or rent—Blockbusting; Steering.
§ 14.08.095. Enforcement by private persons.
§ 14.08.100. Charge—Filing.
§ 14.08.110. Time for filing charges.
§ 14.08.120. Charge—Amendments.
§ 14.08.130. Notice of charge and investigation.
§ 14.08.135. Procedure for investigations.
§ 14.08.140. Findings of fact and determination of reasonable cause or no reasonable cause.
§ 14.08.150. Determination of no reasonable cause—Appeal from and dismissal.
§ 14.08.160. Determination of reasonable cause—Conciliation.
§ 14.08.165. Election of civil action in cases of unfair practices.
§ 14.08.170. Complaint and hearing.
§ 14.08.180. Decision and order
§ 14.08.185. Civil penalty in cases alleging unfair practices.
§ 14.08.187. Enforcement of Department and Hearing Examiner orders and agreements.
§ 14.08.190. Exclusions.
§ 14.08.200. Unlawful conduct and penalties.
§ 14.08.205. Construction with other laws.
§ 14.08.210. Cooperative agreements.
§ 14.08.215. Application to pending charges and complaints.