§ 14.08.060. Discrimination in real estate-related transactions  

Latest version.
  • It is an unfair practice for any lender, or any agent or employee thereof, to whom application is made for financial assistance for the purchase, lease, acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, repair, or maintenance of any real property, or any other person whose business includes engaging in real estate related transactions, to:


    Discriminate against any person, prospective occupant, or occupant of real property in the granting, withholding, extending, making available, modifying, or renewing, or in the rates, terms, conditions, or privileges of a real estate related transaction, or in the extension of services in connection therewith; or


    Discriminate by using any form of application for a real estate related transaction or making any record of inquiry in connection with applications for a real estate related transaction which expresses, directly or indirectly, an intent to discriminate unless required or authorized by local, state, or federal laws or agencies to prevent discrimination in real property; provided that, nothing in this provision shall prohibit any party to a credit transaction from requesting designation of marital status for the purpose of considering application of community property law to the individual case or from taking reasonable action thereon or from requesting information regarding age, parental status, or participation in a Section 8 or other subsidy program when such information is necessary to determine the applicant's ability to repay the loan.

(Ord. 125114 , § 6, 2016; Ord. 121593 § 8, 2004; Ord. 119628 § 17, 1999: Ord. 116818 § 8, 1993: Ord. 114864 § 4, 1989: Ord. 112903 § 12, 1986; Ord. 109050 § 1(part), 1980: Ord. 108205 § 2(part), 1979: Ord. 104839 § 3(4), 1975.)