§ 3.39.010. Department established—Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • There is established a Department of Finance and Administrative Services.


    The Department shall exercise general supervision over the financial affairs of the City, including but not limited to the following:


    direct City borrowing activities;


    provide policy direction concerning investments;


    administer licensing for regulation and/or revenue unless law or ordinance vests such power elsewhere; and


    provide revenue forecasts for those sources that are directly dependent on local economic conditions, including but not limited to sales tax, business and occupation tax, property tax, real estate excise tax and utility taxes;


    provide economic and policy analysis on matters related to these same revenue sources;


    provide assessments of local economic conditions and more general economic analyses, as appropriate and/or as requested;


    provide general oversight of the City's Retirement Boards;


    manage and maintain the City's accounting and financial systems.


    The Department shall administer and enforce laws and ordinances relating to weights, measures, and consumer protection.


    The Department shall be responsible for administering the following internal services for the City including but not limited to:


    the City's public works contracting processes, and execution of contracts for public works projects;


    the contractor processes, and execution and management contracts for all supplies, material, equipment and services required by City agencies;


    the disposition of property, equipment, supplies, and material other than art works that are surplus to the City's needs;


    municipal property management and real estate services;


    fleet services;


    and, capital facilities and improvements planning, construction, operation, and maintenance for general government use.


    The Department shall administer and enforce laws and City ordinances relating to animal control.


    Within the Department there is established a Finance Division, which shall be the Department of Finance for the purposes of Article VIII Section 1 of the City Charter. The Finance Division shall perform such duties of the Department of Finance and Administrative Services as described in Section 3.39.035, plus those assigned at the discretion of the Director of Finance and Administrative Services.


    All references to "Department of Executive Administration," "Department of Finance," "Fleets and Facilities Department," "Department of Administrative Services," "Department of Licenses and Consumer Affairs," "Board of Public Works," "Director of Executive Administration," "Director of Fleets and Facilities," "Purchasing Agent" or "Director of Licenses and Consumer Affairs," in the Municipal Code shall be deemed to be a reference to "Department of Finance and Administrative Services" or "Director of Finance and Administrative Services or his/her designee" as may be applicable, except where the historical reference to "Purchasing Agent," "Department of Administrative Services," "Department of Licenses and Consumer Affairs," "Director of Licenses and Consumer Affairs," "Director of Executive Administration," "Director of Fleets and Facilities," or "Board of Public Works" is called for by context.

(Ord. 123361, § 12, 2010.)