§ 3.39.020. Director of Finance and Administrative Services—Functions and powers.  

Latest version.
  • The Director of Finance and Administrative Services' functions and powers include but are not limited to the following:


    Subject to the City's personnel ordinances and rules, appoint, assign, supervise and control all officers and employees in the Department;


    Manage the preparation of the proposed budget for the Department, authorize appropriate expenditures and carry out the adopted budget, develop and manage the Department's programs, and undertake authorized activities;


    Promulgate rules and regulations in accordance with Chapter 3.02 as deemed necessary to carry out the functions of the Department;


    Maintain the City's financial accounts and records, issuing financial statements on behalf of the City, establish accounting policies and procedures for City departments, and monitor departmental compliance therewith;


    Provide managerial oversight to the Finance Director in the exercise of duties authorized under SMC 3.39.035, and as assigned by ordinance;


    Keep the City Treasury, receive and disburse all money belonging to the City, unless otherwise expressly provided by state law or City ordinance; collect funds due to the City when the function has not been assigned to another City department; and prepare and disburse the payroll after receiving proper certification from departments;


    Certify City officers or employees as cashiers for receiving and depositing funds due to the City, establish criteria for their certification and internal controls for cash management, suspend or withdraw their certification, and pursue remedies available at law in the event of loss;


    Select qualified public depositories for the deposit of City moneys as contemplated by RCW Chapter 39.58;


    Invest funds in excess of the City's current needs, forecasting cash balances and needs, deposit and manage cash, and administer trust accounts that are not assigned to any other department;


    Arrange for withholding and payment of applicable federal and state taxes;


    Provide technical assistance, training, and support to City departments in performing financial functions;


    Issue, deny, suspend, and revoke licenses for regulatory or revenue purposes according to law;


    In the administration of public works contracting processes, require that all public works activities and contracts for public works projects are developed and carried out in a manner consistent with applicable state law and City ordinances. In case of an emergency requiring the immediate or expedited execution of public works contracts, the Director or his or her designee is authorized to declare the existence of an emergency situation, waive competitive bidding requirements, and award public works contracts as necessary to address the emergency. For purposes of this subsection, emergency situations are those that would impair the continued conduct of essential City functions, programs, services, or activities; create an undue hardship for residents, visitors, businesses, City departments, or other government agencies; result in a financial or property loss; or threaten public health or safety.


    Consistent with this title and as otherwise authorized by ordinance, administer the City's purchasing and contracting processes, including solicitation of offers and proposals, and administration and enforcement of agreements made; execute public works contracts for the City, purchasing of supplies, materials, equipment and maintenance services, expert and consultant services, and disposition of property, equipment, supplies, and material, other than art works, that are surplus to the City's needs;


    At his or her discretion or as otherwise authorized by ordinance, delegate any or all of the powers granted in subsections 3.39.020.M and 3.39.020.N to other departments, including but not limited to the authority to execute or administer classes of or individual portions of contracts;


    Provide risk management and insurance services and process claims against the City pursuant to Chapter 5.24;


    Manage the City's real estate portfolio, excluding those properties for which the City Charter, ordinance or state law requires management by another department. Management includes planning and development, acquisition, disposal, analysis, development of policy and procedure, and general administration, including space allocation and operations;


    Establish a system of prices, rates, and allocations, and charge City departments and other users for services furnished by the Department and the use of City facilities, Department services, vehicles, and equipment;


    Set rates for publicly available electric vehicle charging stations in parking facilities owned or controlled by the Department:


    A per-session fee for public use of electric vehicle charging stations in parking facilities owned or controlled by the Department shall be within rate limits established by this subsection 3.39.020.S. In setting rates, the Director is not subject to Chapter 3.02, Administration of the Seattle Municipal Code.


    Such per-session fees shall be set based on expected operating costs and expected vehicle charging station use. For the purpose of this sub-section, "operating costs" shall include electricity costs related to the charging stations, and may include the Department's costs of planning and administration, fees charged by vendors for management services and routine maintenance of the charging stations, facility enforcement costs and other reasonable costs associated with vehicle charging station operations.


    The Director shall consult with the Director of the Office of Sustainability and Environment, the Director of the Seattle Center Department, the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, and the Seattle City Librarian to identify a single per-session electric vehicle charging fee to be used by all City departments that is no higher than $4.00 per session (Maximum electric vehicle charging station per-session fee) and, when charging fees are in effect, no lower than $1.50 per session (Minimum electric vehicle charging station per-session fee). The Director is authorized to set the electric vehicle charging fee at the level identified during the consultation. All electric vehicle charging station fees will be in addition to general parking fees and inclusive of any taxes. After December 31, 2016, the Director is authorized to set electric vehicle charging station fees without regard to the maximum and minimum electric vehicle charging station per-session fees set forth in this subsection.


    Manage the City's fleet and provide services to other public fleets, in accordance with City policy, including policies that address the environmental and financial impacts of the fleet;


    Provide a single point of contact to receive and resolve constituent concerns, questions, and complaints; oversee Citywide compliance in responding to public record requests; provide directory assistance for the City; provide information about City government to the public; present constituent concerns to City departments, and strengthen and ensure coordinated departmental responses; and


    Perform such other activities as may be assigned by ordinance from time to time.

(Ord. 124920 , § 22, 2015; Ord. 123712, § 1, 2011; Ord. 123361, § 13, 2010.)