§ 20.60.212. Requirements for purchase contracts.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The Director shall use the standards, procedures, and criteria specified in this chapter in conjunction with other factors as authorized by Charter and ordinance. If a bidder, in response to any invitation to bid, offers to supply the City with one (1) or more recycled-content or recyclable products, the Director shall reduce the actual bid amount for each such product by the applicable price preference developed pursuant to SMC Section 20.60.210. The reduced bid amount for each such product shall be used only for purposes of determining the lowest and best bid. However, nothing in this subchapter shall preclude the Director from requiring local recycled content, recycled content or recyclable content as specifications in invitations to bid for any products. The Director may adopt specifications requiring that only local recycled-content products, recycled-content products or recyclable-content products be responsive even though the cost of such goods exceeds ten (10) percent of the price of equivalent products without recycled content.

(Ord. 121720 § 1, 2005; Ord. 120794 § 10(part), 2002: Ord. 120181 § 51, 2000: Ord. 118397 § 40, 1996: Ord. 116270 § 4(part), 1992.)