§ 20.48.030. Funds to be available before entering into contract.  

Latest version.
  • Before the Director of Finance and Administrative Services ("FAS Director") authorizes or enters into any contract for construction of a public work or improvement, the head of the City department for which the work is to be performed shall provide the FAS Director with written certification that sufficient funds have been appropriated to cover the full cost and expense of completing the contracted-for public work or improvement (which certification shall identify the appropriation by ordinance number and, where applicable, by Capital Improvement Program Project number). For any public works contract that is to be performed in phases or in more than one budget year, and where the full cost and expense of the project is not appropriated, the head of the City department will instead certify in writing that the contract price does not exceed the total amount identified as appropriated or allocated for the project in the most-recently Adopted Capital Improvement Program, less any amount already spent or encumbered, and that sufficient funds have been appropriated to cover the costs and expense of work anticipated to be performed in that budget year. In such event, the FAS Director shall ensure that the contract includes a provision allowing the City to terminate the contract for convenience without liability. The FAS Director may waive the certification required by this section in case of emergency as defined by applicable law.

(Ord. 123746, § 1, 2011; Ord. 123361, § 299, 2010; Ord. 120794 § 244, 2002: Ord. 120181 § 136, 2000: Ord. 118397 § 117, 1996: Ord. 118087 § 1, 1996; Ord. 116007 § 6, 1991: Ord. 46545 § 1, 1924.)