§ 14.10.090. Findings of fact and determination of reasonable cause or no reasonable cause.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The results of the investigation shall be reduced to written findings of fact and a determination shall be made by the Director that there is or is not reasonable cause for believing that an unfair practice has been or is being committed, which determination shall also be in writing and issued with the written findings of fact. Where a City department is a respondent the Director shall issue such findings and determination only after having submitted proposed findings and determinations to the respondent and charging party for review and comment. With respect to the findings and determination, "issued" shall be defined as signed and dated by the Director.


    The findings of fact and determination shall be furnished promptly to the respondent and charging party.


    Once issued to the parties, the Director's findings of fact, determination and order may not be amended or withdrawn except upon the agreement of the parties; provided that, the Director may correct clerical mistakes or errors arising from oversight or omission upon a motion from a party or upon the Director's own motion.

(Ord. 119601 § 9, 1999.)