§ 14.10.080. Charge—Notice and investigation.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The Director shall cause to be served or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the charge on the respondent within twenty (20) days after the filing of the charge and shall promptly make an investigation thereof.


    The investigation shall be directed to ascertain the facts concerning the unfair practice alleged in the charge, and shall be conducted in an objective and impartial manner.


    During the investigation the Director shall consider any statement of position or evidence with respect to the allegations of the charge which the charging party or the respondent wishes to submit. The Director shall have authority to sign and issue subpoenas requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses, the production of evidence including but not limited to books, records, correspondence or documents in the possession or under the control of the person subpoenaed, and access to evidence for the purpose of examination and copying, and conduct discovery procedures which may include the taking of interrogatories and oral depositions.


    The Director may require a fact finding conference or participation in another process with the respondent and any of respondent's agents and witnesses and charging party during the investigation in order to define the issues, determine which elements are undisputed, resolve those issues which can be resolved, and afford an opportunity to discuss or negotiate settlement. Parties may have their legal counsel present if desired.

(Ord. 119601 § 8, 1999.)