§ 6.500.170. Penalties  

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  • A.

    Civil Violations

    The violation or failure to comply with any provision of this Chapter 6.500 shall constitute a civil violation and shall be enforced under the citation provisions set forth in this Section 6.500.170 by the Director, provided, however, that this Section 6.500.170 shall not be construed as preventing the enforcement of alternative criminal penalties under Section 6.500.175.




    If after investigation the Director determines that the standards or requirements of provisions of this Chapter 6.500 have been violated, the Director may issue a citation to the owner and/or other person or entity responsible for the violation. The citation shall include the following information: (1) the name and address of the person to whom the citation is issued; (2) a reasonable description of the location of the property on which the violation occurred; (3) a separate statement of each standard or requirement violated; (4) the date of the violation; (5) a statement that the person cited must respond to the citation within 15 days after service; (6) a space for entry of the applicable penalty; (7) a statement that a response must be sent to the Hearing Examiner and received not later than 5 p.m. on the day the response is due; (8) the name, address, and phone number of the Hearing Examiner where the citation is to be filed; (9) a statement that the citation represents a determination that a violation has been committed by the person named in the citation and that the determination shall be final unless contested as provided in this Chapter 6.500; and (10) a certified statement of the Director's representative issuing the citation, authorized by RCW 9A.72.085, setting forth facts supporting issuance of the citation.


    The citation may be served by personal service in the manner set forth in RCW 4.28.080 for service of a summons or sent by first class mail, addressed to the last known address of such person(s). Service shall be complete at the time of personal service, or if mailed, on the date of mailing. If a citation sent by first class mail is returned as undeliverable, service may be made by posting the citation at a conspicuous place on the property.


    Response to Citation

    A person must respond to a citation in one of the following ways:


    Paying the amount of the monetary penalty specified in the citation, in which case the record shall show a finding that the person cited committed the violation; or


    Requesting in writing a mitigation hearing to explain the circumstances surrounding the commission of the violation and providing an address to which notice of such hearing may be sent; or


    Requesting a contested hearing in writing specifying the reason why the cited violation did not occur or why the person cited is not responsible for the violation, and providing an address to which notice of such hearing may be sent.


    A response to a citation must be received by the Office of the Hearing Examiner no later than 15 days after the date the citation is served. When the last day of the appeal period so computed is a Saturday, Sunday, or federal or City holiday, the period shall run until 5 p.m. on the next business day.


    Failure to respond. If a person fails to respond to a citation within 15 days of service, an order shall be entered by the Hearing Examiner finding that the person cited committed the violation stated in the citation, and assessing the penalty specified in the citation.


    Mitigation hearings


    Date and notice. If a person requests a mitigation hearing, the mitigation hearing shall be held within 30 days after written response to the citation requesting a hearing is received by the Hearing Examiner. Notice of the time, place, and date of the hearing shall be sent to the address specified in the request for hearing not less than ten days before the date of the hearing.


    Procedure at hearing. The Hearing Examiner shall hold an informal hearing that shall not be governed by the Rules of Evidence. The person cited may present witnesses, but witnesses shall not be compelled to attend. A representative from the Department may also be present and may present additional information, but attendance by a representative from the Department is not required.


    Disposition. The Hearing Examiner shall determine whether the person's explanation justifies reduction of the monetary penalty. Factors that may be considered in whether to reduce the penalty include whether the violation was caused by the act, neglect, or abuse of another.


    Entry of order. After hearing the explanation of the person cited and any other information presented at the hearing, the Hearing Examiner shall enter an order finding that the person cited committed the violation and assessing a monetary penalty in an amount determined pursuant to subsection 6.500.170.H. The Hearing Examiner's decision is the final decision of the City on the matter.


    Contested hearing


    Date and notice. If a person requests a contested hearing, the hearing shall be held within 60 days after the written response to the citation requesting such hearing is received.


    Hearing. Contested hearings shall be conducted pursuant to the procedures for hearing contested cases contained in Section 3.02.090 and the rules adopted by the Hearing Examiner for hearing contested cases, except as modified by this Section 6.500.170. The issues heard at the hearing shall be limited to those that are raised in writing in the response to the citation and that are within the jurisdiction of the Hearing Examiner. The Hearing Examiner may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents.


    Sufficiency. No citation shall be deemed insufficient for failure to contain a detailed statement of the facts constituting the specific violation which the person cited is alleged to have committed or by reason of defects or imperfections, provided such lack of detail or such defects or imperfections do not prejudice substantial rights of the person cited.


    Amendment of citation. A citation may be amended prior to the conclusion of the hearing to conform to the evidence presented if substantial rights of the person cited are not thereby prejudiced.


    Evidence at hearing. The certified statement or declaration authorized by RCW 9A.72.085 shall be prima facie evidence that a violation occurred and that the person cited is responsible. The certified statement or declaration authorized under RCW 9A.72.085 and any other evidence accompanying the report shall be admissible without further evidentiary foundation. Any certifications or declarations authorized under RCW 9A.72.085 shall also be admissible without further evidentiary foundation. The person cited may rebut the Department evidence and establish that the cited violation(s) did not occur or that the person contesting the citation is not responsible for the violation.


    Disposition. The Hearing Examiner shall determine by a preponderance of the evidence whether the violation occurred. If the Hearing Examiner determines that the violation occurred, the citation shall be sustained and the Hearing Examiner shall enter an order finding that the person cited committed the violation and imposing the applicable penalty. If the Hearing Examiner determines that the violation did not occur, the Hearing Examiner shall enter an order dismissing the citation.


    Final decision. The Hearing Examiner's decision is the final decision of the City.


    Failure to appear for hearing

    Failure to appear for a requested hearing will result in an order being entered finding that the person cited committed the violation stated in the citation and assessing the penalty specified in the citation. For good cause shown and upon terms the Hearing Examiner deems just, the Hearing Examiner may set aside an order entered upon a failure to appear.




    The following penalties shall be assessed for violations of any provision of this Chapter 6.500 other than Section 6.500.030 and any provision of the Washington Administrative Code:


    $500 for the first violation, and


    $1,000 for each subsequent violation within a 12-month period.


    The following penalties shall be assessed for violations of Section 6.500.030:


    $1,000 for the first violation, and


    $1,500 for each subsequent violation within a 12-month period.


    Violations of or failure to comply with provisions of the Washington Administrative Code that have been adopted by the Director pursuant to Section 6.500.100 shall have the same monetary penalties as those set forth in the applicable provisions of Washington Administrative Code adopted by the Director.


    Collection of penalties

    If the person or entity cited fails to pay a penalty imposed pursuant to this chapter, the penalty may be referred to a collection agency. The cost to the City for the collection services will be assessed as costs, at the rate agreed to between the City and the collection agency, and added to the penalty. Alternatively, the City may pursue collection in any other manner allowed by law.


    Each day a separate violation

    Each day a person or entity violates or fails to comply with a provision referenced in 6.500.170 may be considered a separate violation for which a citation may be issued.

(Ord. 125516 , § 11, 2018; Ord. 124807 , § 1, 2015.)