§ 5.30.050. Definitions, S  

Latest version.
  • A.

    "Sale," "casual or isolated sale."


    "Sale" means any transfer of the ownership of, title to, or possession of, property for a valuable consideration and includes any activity classified as a "sale at retail," "retail sale," or "retail service." It includes renting or leasing, conditional sale contracts, leases with option to purchase, and any contract under which possession of the property is given to the purchaser but title is retained by the vendor as security for the payment of the purchase price. It also includes the furnishing of food, drink, or meals for compensation whether consumed upon the premises or not.


    "Casual or isolated sale" means a sale of tangible personal property made by a person who is not engaged in the business of selling the type of tangible personal property involved on a routine or continuous basis.


    "Sale at retail," "retail sale"


    "Sale at retail" or "retail sale" means every sale of tangible personal property (including articles produced, fabricated, or imprinted) to all persons irrespective of the nature of their business and including, among others, without limiting the scope hereof, persons who install, repair, clean, alter, improve, construct, or decorate real or personal property of or for consumers, other than a sale to a person who presents a resale certificate under RCW 82.04.470 and who:


    Purchases for the purpose of resale as tangible personal property in the regular course of business without intervening use by such person; or


    Installs, repairs, cleans, alters, imprints, improves, constructs, or decorates real or personal property of or for consumers, if such tangible personal property becomes an ingredient or component of such real or personal property without intervening use by such person; or


    Purchases for the purpose of consuming the property purchased in producing for sale a new article of tangible personal property or substance, of which such property becomes an ingredient or component or is a chemical used in processing, when the primary purpose of such chemical is to create a chemical reaction directly through contact with an ingredient of a new article being produced for sale; or


    Purchases for the purpose of consuming the property purchased in producing ferrosilicon which is subsequently used in producing magnesium for sale, if the primary purpose of such property is to create a chemical reaction directly through contact with an ingredient of ferrosilicon; or


    Purchases for the purpose of providing the property to consumers as part of competitive telephone service, as defined in RCW 82.04.065.

    The term shall include every sale of tangible personal property which is used or consumed or to be used or consumed in the performance of any activity classified as a "sale at retail" or "retail sale" even though such property is resold or utilized as provided in subsection 5.30.050.B.1.a, 5.30.050.B.1.b, 5.30.050.B.1.c, 5.30.050.B.1.d, or 5.30.050.B.1.e following such use.


    "Sale at retail" or "retail sale" also means every sale of tangible personal property to persons engaged in any business activity which is taxable under subsection 5.45.050.F.


    "Sale at retail" or "retail sale" shall include the sale of or charge made for tangible personal property consumed and/or for labor and services rendered in respect to the following:


    The installing, repairing, cleaning, altering, imprinting, or improving of tangible personal property of or for consumers, including charges made for the mere use of facilities in respect thereto, but excluding charges made for the use of coin-operated laundry facilities when such facilities are situated in an apartment house, rooming house, or mobile home park for the exclusive use of the tenants thereof, and also excluding sales of laundry service to nonprofit health care facilities, and excluding services rendered in respect to live animals, birds, and insects;


    The constructing, repairing, decorating, or improving of new or existing buildings or other structures under, upon, or above real property of or for consumers, including the installing or attaching of any article of tangible personal property therein or thereto, whether or not such personal property becomes a part of the realty by virtue of installation, and shall also include the sale of services or charges made for the clearing of land and the moving of earth excepting the mere leveling of land used in commercial farming or agriculture;


    The charge for labor and services rendered in respect to constructing, repairing, or improving any structure upon, above, or under any real property owned by an owner who conveys the property by title, possession, or any other means to the person performing such construction, repair, or improvement for the purpose of performing such construction, repair, or improvement and the property is then reconveyed by title, possession, or any other means to the original owner;


    The sale of or charge made for labor and services rendered in respect to the cleaning, fumigating, razing, or moving of existing buildings or structures, but shall not include the charge made for janitorial services; and for purposes of this section the term "janitorial services" shall mean those cleaning and caretaking services ordinarily performed by commercial janitor service businesses including, but not limited to, wall and window washing, floor cleaning and waxing, and the cleaning in place of rugs, drapes, and upholstery. The term "janitorial services" does not include painting, papering, repairing, furnace or septic tank cleaning, snow removal, or sandblasting;


    The sale of or charge made for labor and services rendered in respect to automobile towing and similar automotive transportation services, but not in respect to those required to report and pay taxes under chapter 82.16 RCW;


    The sale of and charge made for the furnishing of lodging and all other services, except telephone business and cable service, by a hotel, rooming house, tourist court, motel, trailer camp, and the granting of any similar license to use real property, as distinguished from the renting or leasing of real property, and it shall be presumed that the occupancy of real property for a continuous period of one month or more constitutes a rental or lease of real property and not a mere license to use or enjoy the same. For the purposes of this subsection, it shall be presumed that the sale of and charge made for the furnishing of lodging for a continuous period of one month or more to a person is a rental or lease of real property and not a mere license to enjoy the same;


    The installing, repairing, altering, or improving of digital goods for consumers;


    The sale of or charge made for tangible personal property, labor and services to persons taxable under subsections 5.30.050.B.3.a through 5.30.050.B.3.g when such sales or charges are for property, labor, and services which are used or consumed in whole or in part by such persons in the performance of any activity defined as a "sale at retail" or "retail sale" even though such property, labor, and services may be resold after such use or consumption.

    Nothing contained in this subsection 5.30.050.B.3 shall be construed to modify subsection 5.30.050.B.1, and nothing contained in subsection 5.30.050.B.1 shall be construed to modify this subsection 5.30.050.B.3.


    "Sale at retail" or "retail sale" shall also include the providing of competitive telephone service to consumers.



    "Sale at retail" or "retail sale" shall also include the sale of prewritten software other than a sale to a person who presents a resale certificate under RCW 82.04.470, regardless of the method of delivery to the end user. For purposes of this subsection 5.30.050.B.5.a, the sale of prewritten computer software includes the sale of or charge made for a key or an enabling or activation code, where the key or code is required to activate prewritten computer software and put the software into use. There is no separate sale of the key or code from the prewritten computer software, regardless of how the sale may be characterized by the vendor or by the purchaser.

    The term "sale at retail" or "retail sale" does not include the sale of or charge made for:


    Custom software; or


    The customization of prewritten software.



    The term also includes the charge made to consumers for the right to access and use prewritten computer software, where possession of the software is maintained by the seller or a third party, regardless of whether the charge for the service is on a per use, per user, per license, subscription, or some other basis.



    The service described in subsection 5.30.050.B.5.b.1 includes the right to access and use prewritten software to perform data processing.


    For purposes of this subsection 5.30.050.B.5.b.2, "data processing" means the systematic performance of operations on data to extract the required information in an appropriate form or to convert the data to usable information. Data processing includes check processing, image processing, form processing, survey processing, payroll processing, claim processing, and similar activities.


    "Sale at retail" or "retail sale" shall also include the sale of or charge made for labor and services rendered in respect to the building, repairing, or improving of any street, place, road, highway, easement, right-of-way, mass public transportation terminal or parking facility, bridge, tunnel, or trestle which is owned by a municipal corporation or political subdivision of the state, the State of Washington, or by the United States and which is used or to be used primarily for foot or vehicular traffic including mass transportation vehicles of any kind. (Public road construction).


    "Sale at retail" or "retail sale" shall also include the sale of or charge made for labor and services rendered in respect to the constructing, repairing, decorating, or improving of new or existing buildings or other structures under, upon, or above real property of or for the United States, any instrumentality thereof, or a county or city housing authority created pursuant to chapter 35.82 RCW, including the installing or attaching of any article of tangible personal property therein or thereto, whether or not such personal property becomes a part of the realty by virtue of installation (government contracting).


    "Sale at retail" or "retail sale" shall also include the sale of or charge made for an extended warranty to a consumer. For purposes of this subsection, "extended warranty" means an agreement for a specified duration to perform the replacement or repair of tangible personal property at no additional charge or a reduced charge for tangible personal property, labor, or both, or to provide indemnification for the replacement or repair of tangible personal property, based on the occurrence of specified events. The term "extended warranty" does not include an agreement, otherwise meeting the definition of extended warranty in this subsection, if no separate charge is made for the agreement and the value of the agreement is included in the sales price of the tangible personal property covered by the agreement.


    "Sale at retail" or "retail sale" shall not include the sale of services or charges made for the clearing of land and the moving of earth of or for the United States, any instrumentality thereof, or a county or city housing authority. Nor shall the term include the sale of services or charges made for cleaning up for the United States, or its instrumentalities, radioactive waste and other byproducts of weapons production and nuclear research and development. (This is reported under the service or other classification.)


    "Sale at retail" or "retail sale" shall not include the sale of or charge made for labor and services rendered for environmental remedial action (this is reported under the service or other classification).


    "Sale at retail" or "retail sale" shall also include the following sales to consumers of digital goods, digital codes, and digital automated services:


    Sales in which the seller has granted the purchaser the right of permanent use;


    Sales in which the seller has granted the purchaser a right of use that is less than permanent;


    Sales in which the purchaser is not obligated to make continued payment as a condition of the sale; and


    Sales in which the purchaser is obligated to make continued payment as a condition of the sale.

    A retail sale of digital goods, digital codes, or digital automated services under this subsection 5.30.050.B.11 includes any services provided by the seller exclusively in connection with the digital goods, digital codes, or digital automated services, whether or not a separate charge is made for such services. For purposes of this subsection 5.30.050.B.11, "permanent" means perpetual or for an indefinite or unspecified length of time. A right of permanent use is presumed to have been granted unless the agreement between the seller and the purchaser specifies or the circumstances surrounding the transaction suggest or indicate that the right to use terminates on the occurrence of a condition subsequent.


    "Sale at retail" or "retail sale" shall also include the installing, repairing, altering, or improving of digital goods for consumers.


    "Sale at wholesale," "wholesale sale." "Sale at wholesale" or "wholesale sale" means any sale of tangible personal property, digital goods, digital codes, or digital automated services, prewritten computer software, or services described in subsection 5.30.050.B.5.b.1, which is not a retail sale, and any charge made for labor and services rendered for persons who are not consumers, in respect to real or personal property and retail services, if such charge is expressly defined as a retail sale or retail service when rendered to or for consumers. Sale at wholesale also includes the sale of telephone business to another telecommunications company for the purpose of resale, as contemplated by RCW 35.21.715.

    Notwithstanding the above, "sale at wholesale" or "wholesale sale" shall specifically not include a distribution cooperative's or its distribution affiliate's sales of merchandise to a customer-owner of the distribution cooperative for the customer-owner's resale at retail. A distribution cooperative or a distribution affiliate is taxed on such sales pursuant to Section 5.45.050.F of the Seattle Municipal Code.


    "Services." A definition of "services" will be adopted when the term is defined in RCW 82.04.


    "Software," "prewritten software," "custom software," "customization of canned software," "master copies," "retained rights."


    "Prewritten software," or "canned software" means computer software, including prewritten upgrades, that is not designed and developed by the author or other creator to the specifications of a specific purchaser. The combining of two or more prewritten computer software programs or prewritten portions thereof does not cause the combination to be other than prewritten computer software. Prewritten computer software includes software designed and developed by the author or other creator to the specifications of a specific purchaser when it is sold to a person other than such purchaser. Where a person modifies or enhances computer software of which such persons is not the author or creator, the person shall be deemed to be the author or creator only of the person's modifications or enhancements. Prewritten computer software or a prewritten portion thereof that is modified or enhanced to any degree, where such modification or enhancement is designed and developed to the specifications of a specific purchaser, remains prewritten computer software; however, where there is a reasonable, separately stated charge or an invoice or other statement of the price given to the purchaser for the modification or enhancement, the modification or enhancement shall not constitute prewritten computer software.


    "Custom software" means software created for a single person.


    "Customization of canned software" means any alteration, modification, or development of applications using or incorporating canned software to specific individualized requirements of a single person. Customization of canned software includes individualized configuration of software to work with other software and computer hardware but does not include routine installation. Customization of canned software does not change the underlying character or taxability of the original canned software.


    "Master copies" of software means copies of software from which a software developer, author, inventor, publisher, licensor, sublicensor, or distributor makes copies for sale or license. The software encoded on a master copy and the media upon which the software resides are both ingredients of the master copy.


    "Retained rights" means any and all rights, including intellectual property rights such as those rights arising from copyrights, patents, and trade secret laws, that are owned or are held under contract or license by a software developer, author, inventor, publisher, licensor, sublicensor, or distributor.


    "Software" means any information, program, or routine, or any set of one (1) or more programs, routines, or collections of information used, or intended for use, to convey information that causes one (1) or more computers or pieces of computer-related peripheral equipment, or any combination thereof, to perform a task or set of tasks. "Software" includes the associated documentation, materials, or ingredients regardless of the media upon which that documentation is provided, that describes the code and its use, operation, and maintenance and that typically is delivered with the code to the consumer. All software is classified as either canned or custom.


    "Solid waste" has the meaning given in SMC Section 21.36.016.


    "Solid waste collection service" means collecting solid waste from customers for transfer, processing, treatment, storage, or disposal. Solid waste collection service includes, but is not limited to the activities of transferring, processing, treating, storing, or disposing of the solid waste collected. Solid waste collection service includes "property clean up services," defined as businesses that contract directly with residences and businesses to clean up property and remove solid waste. It does not include the operation of public or private dumps, transfer stations and similar operations.


    "Successor" means any person to whom a taxpayer quitting, selling out, exchanging or disposing of a business sells or otherwise conveys, directly or indirectly, in bulk and not in the ordinary course of the taxpayer's business, any part of the materials, supplies, merchandise, inventory, fixtures or equipment of the taxpayer. Any person obligated to fulfill the terms of a contract shall be deemed a successor to any contractor defaulting in the performance of any contract as to which such person is a surety or guarantor.

(Ord. 125211 , § 2, 2016; Ord. 124089, §§ 5, 6, 2012; Ord. 123704, § 7, 2011; Ord. 123239, §§ 2, 3, 2010; Ord. 123063, § 4, 2009; Ord. 122842, § 5, 2008; Ord. 122563 , § 2, 2007; Ord. 121679 § 6, 2004; Ord. 121266 § 15, 2003; Ord. 120668 § 3(part), 2001.)