§ 3.40.020. City Auditor—Ancillary powers.  

Latest version.
  • Under the direction of the City Council, the City Auditor shall have the power to:


    Arrange for audits of federally assisted grants and programs; coordinate auditing activities with the Washington State Auditor and personnel in other City departments; and follow up on reports of examination of the State Auditor;


    Require City departments to:


    Supply access to accounts and records in whatever media they may be kept, and assist in finding and identifying them; supply documents, computer-readable copies, use of copying machines, and working space for the City Auditor and staff,


    Retain identified records pending completion of the audit, and


    Cooperate in interviewing of personnel, all for the purpose of conducting audits;


    Direct comprehensive internal auditing activities, including financial audits, performance audits, and other initiatives to improve City operations for all City departments;


    Bring to the attention of the State Auditor and to law enforcement authorities information about a suspected violation of state criminal laws or the City's criminal ordinances; and to the City Attorney information about a suspected violation of the laws where the City has a civil remedy that may result in the recovery of funds or property due to the City;


    Authenticate papers issued by his or her office;


    Audit the affairs of the City's public corporations established pursuant to Chapter 3.110; of recipients of City contracts; and of accounts with other governmental agencies established with City assistance under the Interlocal Cooperation Act (RCW 39.340); and


    Perform such other activities as may be assigned by ordinance from time to time.

(Ord. 116368 § 5(part), 1992.)