§ 3.36.030. Director's duties

Latest version.
  • The Director shall be responsible for the administration of the department and shall:


    Appoint, remove, supervise and control officers and employees in the Department of Education and Early Learning in accordance with civil service rules and regulations;


    Develop, manage, and evaluate programs providing the services for which the Department of Education and Early Learning is responsible;


    Manage the preparation of the proposed annual budget of the Department of Education and Early Learning; authorize necessary expenditures and enter into contracts for professional and expert services in accordance with the annual budget; develop and manage programs; and supervise development and maintenance of adequate managerial and accounting systems and procedures;


    Execute, administer, modify and enforce agreements and instruments as he or she shall deem appropriate for carrying out the responsibilities, functions, and activities of the Department; apply for grants and donations for departmental programs; and solicit and use volunteer services;


    Promulgate rules and regulations to carry out departmental activities pursuant to the Administrative Code, Chapter 3.02; and


    Have such other and further powers and duties as shall be prescribed by ordinance.

(Ord. 124650 , § 2, 2014.)