§ 3.02.115. Hearing Examiner duties.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    For the conduct of hearings as prescribed by ordinance in connection with weights and measures, consumer protection, and licenses issued for regulatory and/or revenue purposes, there is created in the Office of Hearing Examiner the position of Hearing Examiner and such Hearing Examiner, whose position shall not be included in the classified civil service, shall be appointed by the City Council in accordance with the Administrative Code of the City.


    It shall be the duty of such Hearing Examiner to conduct hearings on appeals concerning the granting, denial, revocation, suspension or amendment of licenses, and to make investigations and hear appeals, protests and other matters relating to licenses, all as prescribed by and in accordance with ordinances providing for such appeals, protests, or other matters and this Administrative Code of the City. Written decisions of the Hearing Examiner made pursuant to such hearings shall be final, and the affected departments shall implement such decisions in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Code and other applicable ordinances of the City.

(Ord. 117169 § 7, 1994; Ord. 102252 § 4, 1973.)