§ 3.02.030. Notice and hearing on adoption of rules.  

Latest version.
  • Prior to the adoption, amendment or repeal of any rule, an agency shall:


    Within the time specified by the ordinance authorizing such action, or if no time is specified, at least fourteen (14) days prior to the proposed action and at least ten (10) days prior to a public hearing, if any, give notice thereof by: (1) publication in a newspaper in accordance with the City Charter and, where appropriate, in such trade, industry, or professional publication, as the agency may select; and (2) by mailing or delivery to the address specified by any person who has made written request therefor, which shall be filed with the agency and renewed annually. Such notice shall include: (a) a reference to the authority under which such rule is proposed; (b) an accurate description of the substance of the proposed rule or of the subjects and issues involved; and (c) a statement of the time and place of any public hearing, and manner in which interested persons may present data, views or argument thereon to the agency;


    Afford all interested persons an opportunity to present data, views, or arguments in regard to the proposed action; provided, that if the agency finds that oral presentation is unnecessary or impracticable, it may require that presentation be made in writing;


    Give appropriate consideration to economic values, along with any environmental, social, health, and safety factors, affected by the proposed adoption, amendment or repeal of any rule.

(Ord. 107903 § 2, 1978: Ord. 106348 -A § 1, 1977: Ord. 102228 § 3, 1973.)