§ 25.09.010. Purpose of the chapter
§ 25.09.012. Designation and definitions of environmentally critical areas
§ 25.09.015. Application of chapter
§ 25.09.016. Environmentally critical areas in the Shoreline District
§ 25.09.017. Administration
§ 25.09.030. Location of environmentally critical areas and buffers
§ 25.09.040. Permits and approvals required
§ 25.09.042. City projects
§ 25.09.045. Exemptions
§ 25.09.052. Replacing structures in environmentally critical areas and buffers
§ 25.09.060. General development standards
§ 25.09.065. Mitigation standards
§ 25.09.070. Standards for tree and vegetation and impervious surface management
§ 25.09.075. Standards for pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer use
§ 25.09.080. Landslide-prone areas
§ 25.09.090. Development standards for steep slope erosion hazard areas
§ 25.09.100. Development standards for liquefaction-prone areas
§ 25.09.110. Development standards for peat settlement-prone areas
§ 25.09.120. Development standards for flood-prone areas
§ 25.09.160. Development standards for wetlands and wetland buffers
§ 25.09.200. Development standards for fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas
§ 25.09.220. Development standards for abandoned landfills
§ 25.09.240. Short subdivisions and subdivisions
§ 25.09.260. Environmentally critical areas administrative conditional use
§ 25.09.280. Yard and setback reduction and variance to preserve environmentally critical area buffers and riparian corridor management areas
§ 25.09.290. Steep slope erosion hazard area variance
§ 25.09.300. Environmentally critical area exception
§ 25.09.330. Application submittal requirements
§ 25.09.335. Posting, covenants, and recording conditions
§ 25.09.360. State Environmental Policy Act
§ 25.09.380. Compliance with environmentally critical areas regulations
§ 25.09.400. Violations
§ 25.09.410. Authority to enforce
§ 25.09.420. Investigation and notice of violation
§ 25.09.430. Stop-work order
§ 25.09.450. Review by the Director
§ 25.09.460. Civil penalty
§ 25.09.470. Alternative criminal penalty
§ 25.09.480. Additional relief
§ 25.09.520. Definitions
§ 25.09.530. Construction