§ 23.76.015. Public meetings for Type II and Type III Master Use Permits  

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  • A.

    The Director may hold a public meeting on Master Use Permit applications requiring Type II or III decisions if:


    The meeting is otherwise provided for in this Title 23, including meetings for projects subject to design review;


    The proposed development is of broad public significance;


    Fifty or more persons file a written request for a meeting not later than the 14 th day after notice of the application is provided; or


    The proposed development will require a shoreline conditional use or a shoreline variance.


    The Director may combine a public meeting on a project application with any other public meetings that may be held on the project by another local, state, regional, federal or other agency, and shall do so if requested by the applicant, provided that:


    The meeting is held within the city of Seattle; and


    The joint meeting can be held within the time periods specified in Section 23.76.005, or the applicant agrees in writing to additional time, if needed, to combine the meetings.


    The Director shall provide notice of all public meetings by:


    Inclusion in the Land Use Information Bulletin;


    Posting of at least four placards within 300 feet of the site; and


    Provision of notice to all persons who provided an address for notice and either attended an early design guidance public meeting for the project or wrote to the Department about the proposed project before the date that notice of the meeting is distributed in the Land Use Information Bulletin.

(Ord. 123913, § 11, 2012; Ord. 120157 § 6, 2000; Ord. 118012 § 30, 1996)