SubChapter I. General Provisions
§ 23.76.002. Purpose.
§ 23.76.004. Land use decision framework
§ 23.76.005. Time for decisions
SubChapter II. Master Use Permits
§ 23.76.006. Master Use Permits required
§ 23.76.008. Preapplication conferences for Type II and Type III decisions
§ 23.76.010. Applications for Master Use Permits
§ 23.76.011. Notice of design guidance and planned community development process
§ 23.76.012. Notice of application
§ 23.76.014. Notice of scoping and draft EIS
§ 23.76.015. Public meetings for Type II and Type III Master Use Permits
§ 23.76.016. Public hearings for draft EISs
§ 23.76.018. Notice of final EISs
§ 23.76.020. Director's decisions on Type I and Type II Master Use Permits
§ 23.76.022. Administrative reviews and appeals for Type I and Type II Master Use Permits
§ 23.76.023. Report and recommendation of the Director on subdivisions.
§ 23.76.024. Hearing Examiner open record hearing and decision for subdivisions
§ 23.76.026. Vesting
§ 23.76.028. Type I and II Master Use Permit issuance
§ 23.76.032. Expiration and renewal of Type I and II Master Use Permits
§ 23.76.034. Suspension and revocation of Master Use Permits
SubChapter III. Council Land Use Decisions
§ 23.76.036. Council decisions required
§ 23.76.038. Preapplication conferences for Council land use decisions
§ 23.76.040. Applications and requests for Council land use decisions
§ 23.76.042. Notice of Type IV applications
§ 23.76.044. Notice of scoping and draft EIS.
§ 23.76.046. Public meetings and hearings for draft EISs
§ 23.76.048. Notice of final EISs.
§ 23.76.050. Reports for Type IV and V Council land use decisions
§ 23.76.052. Hearing Examiner open record predecision hearing and recommendation for Type IV Council land use decisions
§ 23.76.054. Council consideration of Hearing Examiner recommendation on Type IV Council land use decisions
§ 23.76.056. Council decision on Hearing Examiner recommendation for Type IV Council land use decisions
§ 23.76.058. Rules for specific Council land use decisions
§ 23.76.060. Expiration and extension of Council land use decisions
§ 23.76.062. Type V Council land use decisions
§ 23.76.064. Approval of City facilities.
§ 23.76.066. Shoreline Master Program amendments
§ 23.76.067. Amendments to Title 23 to implement RCW 43.21C.420 (SEPA)
§ 23.76.070. Hearing Examiner reports to Council.