§ 23.41.018. Streamlined administrative design review (SDR) process  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A preapplication conference is required for all projects subject to or for which an applicant has elected this Section 23.41.018.


    Community outreach


    Applicants shall prepare a community outreach. The outreach plan shall include, at minimum, the following outreach methods: printed, electronic or digital, and in-person.


    Applicants shall document compliance with the community outreach plan and submit documentation demonstrating compliance to the Director prior to the scheduling of the early design guidance meeting. The Director shall make the documentation available to the public. The documentation shall include:


    A summary of the outreach completed to comply with the outreach plan, including a list and description of the outreach methods used, dates associated with each method, and a summary of what the applicant heard from the community when conducting the outreach; and


    Materials to demonstrate that each outreach method was conducted.


    The purpose of the community outreach plan is to identify the outreach methods an applicant will use to establish a dialogue with nearby communities early in the development process in order to share information about the project, better understand the local context, and hear community interests and concerns related to the project.


    The Director may establish, by rule, what constitutes the community outreach plan, and how compliance with the community outreach plan must be documented.


    Early design guidance process


    Following a preapplication conference, an applicant may apply to begin the early design guidance process.


    The purpose of the early design guidance process is to receive written comments from the public, identify concerns about the site and proposed development, review the design guidelines applicable to the site, identify guideline priorities, explore conceptual design or siting alternatives, and identify and document proposed development standard adjustments, which may be approved as a Type I decision pursuant to subsection 23.41.018.D, or departures, which may be approved as a Type II decision pursuant to Section 23.41.016.


    The Director may establish, by rule, the information that the applicant shall include for the early design guidance process.


    SDR Guidance report


    The Director shall identify the guidelines of highest priority, referred to as the "guideline priorities". The Director shall summarize and consider any community consensus regarding design resulting from community outreach, or as expressed in written comments received.


    The Director shall prepare a report that identifies guideline priorities, documents any design changes needed to achieve consistency with the design guidelines, and identifies any requested or required development standard adjustments and/or departures.


    If the criteria listed in subsection 23.41.018.F.3 are met, the Director may consider adjustments to the following development standards to the extent listed for each standard:


    Setbacks and separation requirements may be reduced by a maximum of 50 percent;


    Amenity areas may be reduced by a maximum of ten percent;


    Landscaping and screening may be reduced by a maximum of 25 percent; and


    Structure width, structure depth, and facade length may be increased by a maximum of ten percent.


    The Director shall make the Guidance report available to those who sent in comments or otherwise requested notification, and to the applicant.


    Application for Building Permit


    Once the SDR Guidance report is made available by the Director, the applicant may apply for a Building Permit.


    In addition to submitting information required in a standard Building Permit application, the applicant shall include in the Building Permit application such additional information related to design review as the Director may require.


    Adjustments to development standards listed in subsection 23.41.018.D.3 may be approved as a Type I decision. If requested development standard departures, authorized under Section 23.41.012 exceed the adjustments allowed under subsection 23.41.018.D.3, the applicant may either revise the application to eliminate the need for departures and proceed under this Section 23.41.018, or else apply for a Type II Master Use Permit for administrative design review pursuant to Section 23.41.016.


    Director's Type I decision


    A decision on an application for a permit subject to streamline design review shall be made by the Director.


    The Director's design review decision shall be made as part of the overall Building Permit decision for the project. The Director's decision shall be based on the extent to which the proposed project meets guideline priorities and responds to the SDR Guidance report, and in consideration of public comments on the proposed project.


    The Director may approve the adjustments listed in subsection 23.41.018.D.3, if the adjustments are consistent with the SDR Guidance report and the adjustments would result in a development that:


    Better meets the intent of the adopted design guidelines and/or


    Provides a better response to environmental and/or site conditions, including but not limited to topography, the location of trees, or adjacent uses and structures.


    Limitations on adjustments through the SDR process established in this Section 23.41.018 do not limit modifications to standards expressly permitted by other provisions of the Seattle Municipal Code.

(Ord. 125429 , § 12, 2017; Ord. 124952 , § 2, 2015; Ord. 123564, § 4, 2011; Ord. 123495, § 13, 2011.)