§ 22.210.030. Definitions  

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  • Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this Chapter 22.210:


    "Assisted housing development" means a multifamily residential housing development that either receives or has received government assistance and is defined as federally assisted housing in RCW 59.28.020, or that receives or has received other federal, State, or local government assistance and is subject to use restrictions as defined in this Section 22.210.030.


    "Change of use" means the conversion of any dwelling unit from a residential use to a nonresidential use that results in the displacement of existing tenants or conversion from residential use to another residential use that requires the displacement of existing tenants, such as a conversion to a retirement home where payment for long-term care is a requirement of tenancy, or conversion to an emergency shelter or transient hotel. For purposes of this Chapter 22.210, "change of use" shall not mean a conversion of a rental dwelling unit to a condominium.


    "Demolition" means the destruction of any dwelling unit or the relocation of an existing dwelling unit or units to another site.


    "Director" means the Director of the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections, or the Director's designee.


    "Displacement" means, in the case of demolition, substantial rehabilitation, or change of use, that existing tenants must vacate the dwelling unit because of the demolition, substantial rehabilitation, or change of use; in the case of removal of use restrictions from an assisted housing development, it means that the nonrestricted rent of a dwelling unit after the removal of use restrictions will exceed by 20 percent or more, exclusive of increases due to operating expenses, the restricted rent of the dwelling unit before the removal of use restrictions. For purposes of this Chapter 22.210, "displacement" shall not include the permanent relocation of a tenant from one dwelling unit to another dwelling unit in the same building with the tenant's consent or the temporary relocation of a tenant for less than 72 hours.


    "Dwelling unit" means a structure or that part of a structure used as a home, residence, or sleeping place by one person or by two or more persons maintaining a common household, including but not limited to single-family residences and units of multiplexes, apartment buildings, and mobile homes.


    "Low income" means total combined income per dwelling unit is at or below 50 percent of the median income, adjusted for family size, in King County, Washington.


    "Major educational institution" means an educational institution which is designated as a "major institution" in Section 23.84A.025 of the Seattle Municipal Code, or any amendments thereto.


    "Master use permit" means the document issued by the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections that records all land use decisions made by the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections.


    "Owner" means one or more persons, jointly or severally, in whom is vested:


    All or any part of the legal title to property; or


    All or part of the beneficial ownership, and a right to present use and enjoyment of the property.


    "Rent" means the basic charge for a tenant's use of the dwelling unit and any periodic or monthly fees for other services paid to a landlord by a tenant, but do not include utility charges that are based on usage and that a tenant has agreed in the rental agreement to pay.


    "Rental agreement" means all oral or written agreements that establish or modify the terms, conditions, rules, regulations, or any other provisions concerning the use and occupancy of a dwelling unit. For purposes of this Chapter 22.210, "rental agreement" shall not include any agreement relating to the purchase, sale, or transfer of ownership of a dwelling unit.


    "Substantial rehabilitation" means extensive structural repair or extensive remodeling that requires displacement of a tenant and either requires a building, electrical, plumbing, or mechanical permit, or is valued at $6,000 or more for any tenant's dwelling unit.


    "Tenant" means any person who is entitled to occupy a dwelling unit primarily for living or dwelling purposes under a rental agreement and includes those persons who are considered to be tenants under the State Residential Landlord-Tenant Act, chapter 59.18 RCW and those tenants whose living arrangements are exempted from the State Residential Landlord-Tenant Act under RCW 59.18.040(3) if their living arrangement is considered to be a rental or lease pursuant to RCW 67.28.180(1). For purposes of this Chapter 22.210, "tenant" shall not include the owner of a dwelling unit or members of the owner's immediate family.


    "Use restriction" means any Federal, State, or local statute, regulation, ordinance, or contract that, as a condition of receipt of any housing assistance, including an operating subsidy, rental subsidy, mortgage subsidy, mortgage insurance, tax-exempt financing, or low-income housing tax credits by an assisted housing development, establishes maximum limitations on tenant income as a condition of eligibility for occupancy of the units within an assisted housing development; imposes any restrictions on the maximum rents that may be charged for any of the units within the assisted housing development; or requires that rents for the units within an assisted housing development be reviewed by any governmental body or agency before the rents are implemented or changed.

(Ord. 124919 , § 80, 2015; Ord. 124883 , § 2, 2015; Ord. 124882 , § 2, 2015; Ord. 121276 §§ 20, 37, 2003; Ord. 115141 § 1(part), 1990.)