§ 22.206.305. Tenant's private right of action  

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  • Nothing in this Title 22 is intended to affect or limit a tenant's right to pursue a private right of action pursuant to chapter 59.18 RCW for any violation of chapter 59.18 RCW for which that chapter provides a private right of action. When an owner commits an act prohibited by Section 22.206.180, a tenant has a private right of action against the owner for actual damages caused by the prohibited act. To the extent that actual damages are unliquidated or difficult to prove, a court may award liquidated damages of up to $3,000 instead of actual damages. Such damages when awarded are to be on a per incident, rather than a per tenant, basis. The prevailing party in any such action may recover costs of the suit and attorney fees.

(Ord. 125054 , § 8, 2016; Ord. 120302 § 5, 2001.)