§ 22.206.180. Prohibited acts by owners  

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  • Except as otherwise specifically required or allowed by this Title 22 or by the Washington State Residential Landlord-Tenant Act, chapter 59.18 RCW, it is unlawful for any owner to:


    Change or tamper with any lock or locks on a door or doors used by the tenant; or


    Remove any door, window, fuse box, or other equipment, fixtures, or furniture; or


    Request, cause, or allow any gas, electricity, water, or other utility service supplied by the owner to be discontinued; or


    Remove or exclude a tenant from the premises except pursuant to legal process; or


    Evict, increase rent, reduce services, increase the obligations of a tenant, or otherwise impose, threaten, or attempt any punitive measure against a tenant for the reason that the tenant has in good faith reported violations of this Title 22 to the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections or to the Seattle Police Department, or otherwise asserted, exercised, or attempted to exercise any legal rights granted tenants by law and arising out of the tenant's occupancy of the building; or


    Enter a tenant's housing unit or premises except:


    At reasonable times with the tenant's consent, after giving the tenant:


    at least two days' notice of intent to enter for the purpose of inspecting the premises, making necessary or agreed repairs, alterations or improvements, or supplying necessary or agreed services; or


    at least one day's notice for the purpose of exhibiting the dwelling unit to prospective or actual purchasers, mortgagees, tenants, workers, or contractors; or


    In an emergency; or


    In case of abandonment as defined by state law; or


    Prohibit a tenant or the tenant's authorized agent or agents, if accompanied by the tenant, from engaging in the following activities when related to building affairs or tenant organization:


    Distributing leaflets in a lobby and other common areas and at or under tenants' doors;


    Posting information on bulletin boards, provided that tenants comply with all generally applicable rules of the landlord governing the use of such boards. Such rules cannot specifically exclude the posting of information related to tenant organizing activities if the rules permit posting of other types of information by tenants;


    Initiating contact with tenants;


    Assisting tenants to participate in tenant organization activities;


    Holding meetings, including political caucuses or forums for speeches of public officials or candidates for public office, unattended by management, conducted at reasonable times and in an orderly manner on the premises, held in any community rooms or recreation rooms if these rooms are open for the use of the tenants; provided that the tenant complies with all other generally applicable rules of the landlord governing the use of such rooms. Any generally applicable rules must be written and posted in or near such a room. If a community or recreation room is not available, meetings may take place in common areas which include a laundry room, hallway, or lobby; provided all generally applicable rules of the landlord governing such common areas and applicable fire and safety codes are followed; or


    Increase the periodic or monthly housing costs to be charged a tenant by 10 percent or more over the periodic or monthly housing costs charged the same tenant for the same housing unit and the same services for any period or month during the preceding 12-month period without giving the tenant at least 60 days prior written notice of the cost increase. The notice shall describe how the tenant may obtain information about the rights and obligations of tenants and landlords under this Chapter 22.206; or


    Increase the periodic or monthly housing costs to be charged a tenant by less than 10 percent over the periodic or monthly housing costs charged the same tenant for the same housing unit and the same services for any period or month during the preceding 12-month period without giving the tenant at least 30 days prior written notice of the cost increase. The notice shall describe how the tenant may obtain information about the rights and obligations of tenants and landlords under this Chapter 22.206; or


    Increase the periodic or monthly housing costs to be charged a tenant by any amount if the Director has determined the housing unit does not comply with the checklist prescribed by subsection 22.214.050.L and the weighted requirements of 22.214.050.M.


    When a tenant is notified of a proposed increase in periodic or monthly housing costs, if the tenant believes the housing unit has defective conditions and does not comply with the checklist prescribed by subsection 22.214.050.L and the weighted requirements of 22.214.050.M, the tenant may notify the owner of the potential application of this Section 22.206.180.J.


    Notification from a tenant to an owner must be in writing, describe the defective conditions, and be sent to the landlord prior to the effective date listed in the notice of housing costs increase the tenant received from the landlord.


    After written notice to the owner has been provided, and before the housing costs increase takes effect, the tenant or owner may request an inspection from the Director.


    Upon inspection, if the Director determines the unit meets the requirements of subsections 22.214.050.L and 22.214.050.M or that the conditions violating subsections 22.214.050.L and 22.214.050.M were caused by the tenant, the housing costs increase shall take effect on the date specified in the notice of the housing costs increase.


    If the Director determines that the unit does not comply with the checklist prescribed by subsection 22.214.050.L and the weighted requirements of subsection 22.214.050.M, the housing costs increase shall not take effect until the Director determines that the housing unit complies with the checklist and the weighted requirements of subsection 22.214.050.M. This determination must occur before the tenant may lawfully refuse payment of the housing cost increase.


    If a tenant pays the increased housing costs prior or subsequent to a determination by the Director that the housing unit does not comply with the checklist and the weighted requirements of subsection 22.214.050.M, the owner shall refund to the tenant the amount by which the housing costs paid exceeded the amount of housing costs otherwise due, or provide a credit in that amount against the tenant's housing costs for the next rental period. The refund or credit shall be prorated to reflect the period that the housing unit was determined to be in compliance with the checklist and the weighted requirements of subsection 22.214.050.M. If the owner elects to provide a refund rather than provide a credit, the refund shall be paid to the tenant before the beginning of the next rental period. When calculating a pro-rata amount to be credited or refunded, a 30-day month shall be used.


    If a tenant denies access to the tenant's housing unit to conduct an inspection, the increase in housing costs shall take effect on the date access to the dwelling unit was denied by the tenant, or on the effective date of the housing costs increase identified in the notice of the housing costs increase, whichever is later.


    The Director shall describe, by rule, SDCI's role when a tenant notifies SDCI that a landlord has given the tenant notice pursuant to RCW 59.12.030 (3) (3 day pay rent or vacate notice) and when the housing cost increase has been lawfully prohibited pursuant to subsection 22.206.180.J.5.

(Ord. 125054 , § 5, 2016; Ord. 124919 , § 79, 2015; Ord. 120302 , § 2, 2001; Ord. 113545 , § 5(part), 1987.)