SubChapter I. Minimum Space and Occupancy Standards
§ 22.206.010. Reserved.
§ 22.206.020. Floor area
§ 22.206.030. Reserved.
§ 22.206.040. Light and ventilation
§ 22.206.050. Sanitation.
SubChapter II. Minimum Structural and Maintenance Standards
§ 22.206.060. General.
§ 22.206.070. Shelter.
§ 22.206.080. Maintenance.
SubChapter III. Minimum Mechanical Standards
§ 22.206.090. Heating
§ 22.206.100. Ventilation equipment.
§ 22.206.110. Electrical equipment
§ 22.206.120. Maintenance.
SubChapter IV. Minimum Fire and Safety Standards
§ 22.206.130. Requirements
SubChapter V. Minimum Security Standards
§ 22.206.140. Requirements
SubChapter VI. Duties of Owners and Tenants
§ 22.206.150. General.
§ 22.206.160. Duties of owners
§ 22.206.170. Duties of tenants
§ 22.206.180. Prohibited acts by owners
§ 22.206.190. Harassing or retaliating against owner.
§ 22.206.200. Minimum standards for vacant buildings
§ 22.206.210. Removing posted notices.
SubChapter VII. Alternative Materials and Design, Variances and Enforcement
§ 22.206.215. Alternate materials and design.
§ 22.206.217. Variances
§ 22.206.220. Notice of violation
§ 22.206.230. Review by the Director.
§ 22.206.235. Order of the Director.
§ 22.206.240. Extension of compliance date.
§ 22.206.250. Compliance.
§ 22.206.260. Emergency order.
§ 22.206.265. Emergency relocation assistance payments.
§ 22.206.270. Violations.
§ 22.206.280. Civil enforcement proceedings and penalties
§ 22.206.290. Alternative criminal penalty.
§ 22.206.295. Private right of action.
§ 22.206.305. Tenant's private right of action
§ 22.206.315. Appeal to Superior Court.