§ 20.84.085. Relocation notices.  

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  • A.

    General information notice. As soon as feasible, a Person scheduled to be displaced shall be furnished with a general written description of the relocation program, which description does at least the following:


    Informs the Person that the Person may be displaced for the Program or Project and generally describes the relocation payment(s) for which the Person may be eligible, the basic conditions of eligibility, and the procedures for obtaining the payment(s).


    Informs the Person that the Person will be given reasonable relocation advisory services, including referrals to replacement properties, help in filing payment claims, and other necessary assistance to help the Person successfully relocate.


    Informs the Person that the Person will not be required to move without at least 90 days' advance written notice, and informs any Person to be displaced from a Dwelling that the Person cannot be required to move permanently unless at least one Comparable Replacement Dwelling has been made available.


    Describes the Person's right to appeal the Department's determination of a Person's eligibility for, or the amount of, any assistance under this chapter.


    Relocation eligibility and Notice thereof. Eligibility for relocation assistance begins on the date of a Notice of Intent to Acquire, the Initiation of Negotiations for the occupied property, or the date of actual Acquisition, whichever occurs first. When eligibility begins, the Department shall promptly notify all occupants in writing of their eligibility for applicable relocation assistance.


    Ninety-day notice.


    General. No lawful occupant shall be required to move unless the occupant has received at least 90 days advance written notice of the earliest date by which the occupant may be required to move.


    Timing of notice. The Department may issue the notice 90 days before it expects the Person to be displaced or earlier.


    Content of notice. The 90-day notice shall either state a specific date as the earliest date by which the occupant may be required to move, or state that the occupant will receive a further notice indicating, at least 30 days in advance, the specific date by which he or she must move. If the 90-day notice is issued before a Comparable Replacement Dwelling is made available, the notice must state clearly that the occupant will not have to move earlier than 90 days after such a Dwelling is made available.


    Urgent need. In unusual circumstances, an occupant may be required to vacate the property on less than 90 days advance written notice if the Department determines that a 90-day notice is impracticable, such as when the Person's continued occupancy of the property would constitute a substantial danger to health or safety. A copy of the Department's determination shall be included in the applicable case file.

(Ord. 121998 , § 8, 2005.)