§ 20.84.010. Purpose.
§ 20.84.020. Applicability.
§ 20.84.030. Definitions.
§ 20.84.040. City Department Head—Authority.
§ 20.84.055. No duplication of payments.
§ 20.84.065. Administration of jointly-funded Projects.
§ 20.84.075. Notices—General requirements.
§ 20.84.085. Relocation notices.
§ 20.84.095. Availability of Comparable Replacement Dwelling before displacement.
§ 20.84.105. Relocation planning, advisory services, and coordination.
§ 20.84.115. Eviction for cause.
§ 20.84.205. General requirements—Claims for relocation payments.
§ 20.84.215. Relocation payments not considered income.
§ 20.84.225. Hearing Examiner appeals.
§ 20.84.235. Judicial review.
§ 20.84.300. Payment for actual reasonable moving and related expenses.
§ 20.84.310. Fixed payment for moving expenses—Residential moves.
§ 20.84.320. Reestablishment expenses—Nonresidential moves.
§ 20.84.330. Fixed payment for moving expenses—Nonresidential moves.
§ 20.84.400. Replacement housing payment for 180-day homeowner-occupants.
§ 20.84.410. Replacement housing payment for 90-day occupants.
§ 20.84.420. Additional rules governing replacement housing payments.
§ 20.84.430. Replacement housing of last resort.
§ 20.84.500. Relocation assistance—Mobile Homes.
§ 20.84.510. Replacement housing payment for 180-day Mobile Homeowner displaced from a Mobile Home, and/or from the acquired Mobile Home site.
§ 20.84.520. Replacement Housing Payment for 90-day Mobile Home occupants.
§ 20.84.620. Assurances, monitoring and corrective action.
§ 20.84.630. Recordkeeping and reports.
§ 20.84.640. Agency appeals.