§ 20.60.222. Capital improvement projects and construction contracts.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The City's preference for the purchase and use of recycled-content products shall be included as a factor in the design and development of City capital improvement projects.


    Where the Seattle Design Commission is required to review proposals for the design of a project, the Commission shall promote reasonable attempts to include recycled-content products.


    All City departments shall change their standard specifications to include recycled-content products and materials adopted pursuant to this subchapter.

(Ord. 121720 §§ 1, 9, 2005; Ord. 120794 § 10(part), 2002; Ord. 120181 § 56, 2000; Ord. 116726 § 6, 1993; Ord. 116270 § 4(part), 1992.)