§ 20.60.116. Blanket Contracts  

Latest version.
  • Following the solicitation requirements of this Chapter, the Director may enter into contracts for Goods or Services that allow Departments to place orders efficiently and as needed. Such contracts shall be termed "Blanket Contracts" and may be established for such needs as (1) routine, continuous, or repetitive needs; (2) resources for emergency events; (3) new innovations or products without a known estimated or predicted annual expenditure; (4) to support utilization of women or minority firms in accordance with the purpose of SMC 20.42.010; or (5) other City needs that may benefit from a Blanket Contract in the Director's opinion.

(Ord. 124452, § 10, 2014; Ord. 121720 § 1, 2005; Ord. 120794 § 10(part), 2002: Ord. 120181 § 35, 2000: Ord. 118397 § 25, 1996: Ord. 116007 §§ 18, 27(part), 1991: Ord. 102151 § 9, 1973.)