§ 20.50.110. Establishment and operation of rosters.  

Latest version.
  • These provisions apply to the establishment, maintenance, and use of Consultant rosters:


    Establishment and Duration.


    The Director, in conjunction with participating Departments, shall establish Consultant rosters based on the different consultant skills or services that the City is likely to need during the effective time of the Consultant rosters.


    The Director, in conjunction with participating Departments, shall issue Requests for Qualifications ("RFQ(s)") to establish Consultant rosters for use by any Department. At a minimum, the RFQ shall describe the skills or services needed by the City; the minimum qualifications to be placed on the particular Consultant roster; the roster contract dollar limits; the expected duration of the roster, if known; standard contract terms and conditions, if any; and a description of the process to be used for selecting Consultants off of the roster.


    A Consultant roster shall remain in effect until such time as the Director determines it is in the best interests of the City to disestablish the roster. Departments may petition for the establishment or disestablishment of a roster, or a roster category where the existing rosters or roster categories do not meet the needs of the Department.


    Opportunities for Small Business. Whenever 15 or more Consultants qualify as "small business concerns" in a single roster category, the category shall consist only of those Consultants who are eligible to be classified as a "small business concern." If 14 or fewer such Consultants are qualified, Consultants for that roster category shall be selected without regard to their eligibility under the small business criteria. A Consultant may evidence its qualification as a "small business concern" by:


    Showing its qualification as a Small Business under the Small Business Act of the United States, 15 USC Section 632, and its implementing regulations, 13 CFR Part 121 or any successor legislation or regulations; or


    Showing certification as defined in any City program designed to encourage the utilization of small businesses.




    A Department may contract with the Consultants on the roster for projects estimated to cost no more than $260,000 in 2010 dollars except as may be adjusted pursuant to subsection 20.50.110.C2.


    A Department may amend any roster Contract for additional work related to the original roster Contract up to a total Contract amount of $325,000 in 2010 dollars.


    Each Department may only use a certified roster Consultant up to a maximum amount of $520,000 per year in 2010 dollars, per roster category.


    Deletion From a Roster. The Director may delete a Consultant from the City's certified roster program at his or her discretion.


    Adding to a Roster. During the existence of a roster, the Department of Finance and Administrative Services will perform, with assistance as needed from participating Departments, ongoing evaluations of any new Consultant application to a roster. All Consultants found to be qualified for a Consultant roster category will be added to that roster, except as a roster category may be limited to small businesses and except as a Consultant may be removed from the roster at the discretion of the Director.


    Use of Roster Consultants Not Required. Placement on a Consultant roster makes a Consultant eligible for consideration and possible selection by a participating Department for providing services. Placement on a roster does not guarantee any Consultant any Contract for any amount. In addition, the City reserves the power to amend or repeal this chapter and to change or discontinue the roster system at any time.


    Evaluation Criteria. Consultants shall be evaluated for placement on a roster on the basis of the ability of the Consultant to perform the work or service that the roster category was created for and to meet the minimum qualifications set forth in the request for qualifications.

(Ord. 123361, § 307, 2010; Ord. 121722 § 12, 2005; Ord. 120794 § 45, 2002; Ord. 120181 § 72, 2000; Ord. 119651 § 6, 1999.)