§ 20.37.010. Definitions  

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  • When used in this Chapter 20.37, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given below unless the context in which they are included clearly indicates otherwise:

    "Apprentice" means any worker enrolled in an Apprentice Training Program.

    "Apprentice Training Program" means a program registered and in compliance with the Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council as defined by RCW 49.04 and WAC 296-05-011 and WAC 296-05-013.

    "City" means The City of Seattle.

    "Community Workforce Agreement" or "CWA" means an agreement executed between the Director, on behalf of the City, and each Union that represents the workers for trades that typically perform work on City public works projects, which agreement sets out the terms and conditions between the City, the Unions, and signatory contractors on a Covered Project and that meets the requirements of this Chapter 20.37.

    "Contractor" means any person, firm, partnership, owner operator, limited liability company, corporation, joint venture, proprietorship, trust, association or other legal entity that employs individuals to perform work on Covered Projects, including general contractors, subcontractors of all tiers, and both union and non-union entities.

    "Core Employee" means an employee of an Open-Shop Contractor that meets the Core Employee criteria established under a CWA.

    "Covered Project" means a City public works project with a project budget at or above $5 million.

    "Department" means The Department of Finance and Administrative Services or any successor department.

    "Director" means The Director of Finance and Administrative Services or his or her designee or successor.

    "Dispatch" is the process by which a union refers workers for employment to contractors under the authority of a collective bargaining agreement. The process typically mandates the distribution of work via a "first in, first out" priority but can legally be adjusted via special agreements to allow for out of order dispatching and priority worker hiring.

    "Economically Distressed Area" means a geographic area defined by zip code and found by the Director to have a high concentration of individuals; 1) living at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, 2) unemployed, and or 3) without a college degree, compared to other zip codes. King County zip codes, with a high density per acre of at least two out of the three criteria, will be identified as Economically Distressed Areas. There shall be two classes of such zip codes: tier one zip codes located within the City of Seattle and tier two zip codes located within King County and outside of the City of Seattle.

    "Helmets to Hardhats" means a nonprofit program that connects National Guard, Reserve, retired and transitioning active-duty military service members with skilled training and quality career opportunities in the construction industry.

    "Jobs Coordinator" means a City Employee or third party entity that facilitates the hiring of Priority Workers in collaboration with Contractors and Union Dispatch.

    "Journey-level" means an individual who has sufficient skills and knowledge of an occupation, either through a formal Apprentice Training Program or through practical on-the-job work experience, to be recognized by a state or federal registration agency and/or an industry as being fully qualified to perform the work of the occupation. Practical experience must be equal to or greater than the term of apprenticeship.

    "Labor Hours" means hours performed on Covered Projects by workers who are subject to prevailing wages under RCW 39.12.

    "Non-manual Position" means a job position on a public works project that is not primarily for the purpose of performing physical construction work, including but not limited to, superintendents, supervisors, staff engineers, quality control and quality assurance personnel, time keepers, mail carriers, clerks, office workers, messengers, guards, safety personnel, emergency medical and first aid technicians and other engineering, administrative, supervisory and management employees.

    "Open-Shop Contractor" means a Contractor that is not a signatory to a collective bargaining agreement with a Union representing the trade(s) of the Contractor's workers, also known as non-union Contractors.

    "Pre-apprentice" means a student enrolled in a construction Pre-apprentice Training Program recognized by the Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council.

    "Pre-apprentice Graduate" means an individual who completed a Pre-apprentice Training Program and has been accepted into an Apprentice Training Program, including those who are still completing their first year of Apprentice training.

    "Pre-apprentice Training Program" means an education-based program, recognized by the State of Washington Apprenticeship and Training Council and endorsed by one or more registered apprenticeship sponsors, with a focus on educating and training students to meet or exceed minimum qualifications for entry into an Apprentice Training Program upon graduation.

    "Preferred Entry" means an agreement provided by a CWA that allows Pre-apprentice Graduates and Helmets to Hardhats veterans, who are also Priority Workers, entry into an Apprentice Training Program ahead of other applicants.

    "Priority Worker(s)" means an individual prioritized for recruitment, training, and employment opportunities because the individual is a Resident in an Economically Distressed Area.

    "Project Budget" means the construction budget for the project that includes all costs estimated to be paid to Contractors, including contingency funds, as estimated at the time of bid or, if absent a bid, at the time of the contract award.

    "Resident" means a person who provides evidence to the satisfaction of the Director demonstrating that the person lives at a particular address.

    "Training Programs" are pre-apprenticeship and/or registered apprenticeship programs.

    "Union" is a representative labor organization whose members collectively bargain with employers to set the wages and working conditions in their respective trade or covered scope of work.

    "Women and Minority Business (WMBE)" has the same meaning as given under Chapter 20.42, as may be amended from time to time.

(Ord. 125368 , § 1, 2017; Ord. 124690 , § 2, 2015.)