§ 20.36.010. Acceptance by Mayor.

Latest version.
  • In accordance with the following procedures, the Mayor is authorized for and on behalf of the City to accept gifts of works of art for display in or on property owned or occupied by the City:


    Before accepting a gift of work of art pursuant to the authority of this chapter, the Mayor shall consult with the head of the City department or departments responsible for the premises where such work of art will be displayed and shall also obtain from the Seattle Arts Commission, or a duly designated committee thereof, its recommendation as to whether such gift of work of art should be accepted.


    No gift shall be accepted pursuant to the authority of this chapter which will require substantial expenditures for protection from theft or damage, maintenance or operation.


    Any gift accepted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter must be offered to the City unconditionally, except that the donor may impose any or all of the following conditions:


    Specify the location where the work of art shall be displayed and/or specify reasonable conditions for the display of such work of art;


    Specify reasonable conditions as to the care and protection of the work of art, provided such conditions do not require the expenditure of substantial funds in order to comply therewith; and


    Specify that a sign or placard be placed near the work of art identifying the donor and/or the person or persons or event which such work of art commemorates or in whose memory or memories such work was donated.


    The Mayor shall manifest his acceptance of any such gift of work of art on behalf of the City by issuing a certificate of acceptance to the donor and by filing a copy of such certificate with the City Clerk. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the acceptance of gifts of works of art which are made to the Seattle Public Library and which are accepted by the Board of Library Trustees pursuant to RCW 27.12.210.

(Ord. 116368 § 243, 1992: Ord. 107578 § 1, 1978.)