§ 20.32.050. Municipal Arts Fund

Latest version.
  • There is established in the City Treasury a special fund designated "Municipal Arts Fund," into which shall be deposited funds appropriated as contemplated by Section 20.32.030, together with such other funds as the City Council shall appropriate for works of art. Expenditures may be made from this fund for the acquisition and exhibition of works of art consistent with the plan specified in subsection 20.32.040.A, and for Office of Arts and Culture staff costs and administrative costs (as defined in Section 20.32.020) that are associated with developing and implementing the Municipal Arts Plan including the cost of maintaining City-owned artwork, which maintenance cost may be paid from eligible sources as may be specified by ordinance. Separate accounts shall be established within the Municipal Arts Fund to segregate receipts by source or, when so directed by the City Council, for specific works of art. Disbursements from such fund shall be made in connection with projects approved by the Seattle Arts Commission on vouchers approved by the Director of the Office of Arts and Culture.

(Ord. 125492 , § 20, 2017; Ord. 125094 , § 1, 2016; Ord. 124539, § 15, 2014; Ord. 121006 § 14, 2002: Ord. 117403 § 2, 1994: Ord. 116368 § 242, 1992: Ord. 105389 § 4, 1976: Ord. 102210 § 5, 1973.)