§ 20.04.230. Contracts—Opening bids—Acceptance, rejection and forfeiture conditions.  

Latest version.
  • At the time and place named, such bids shall be publicly opened and read; no bid shall be rejected for informality but shall be received if it can be understood what is meant thereby. The department head supervising the project shall proceed to determine the lowest and best bidder, and may let such contract to such bidder, or if all bids received exceed by ten percent preliminary cost estimates prepared by an independent consulting engineer or registered professional engineer retained for that purpose by the City, he or she may reject all of them and re-advertise, or may proceed to do the work under the direction of the department head supervising the project by "day labor," and, in case of rejection of all bids all checks shall be returned to the bidders; but if the contract be let, then, and in such case, all checks shall be returned to the bidders, except that of the successful bidder, which shall be retained until the contract be entered into for making such improvement between the bidder and the City, in accordance with such bid, and the duly approved and accepted bond therefor be filed in the office of the City Clerk. If the successful bidder fails to enter into the contract in accordance with his bid within ten days from the date at which he is notified that he is the successful bidder, the said check and the amount thereof shall be forfeited to the City, and the same shall be delivered to the Director of Finance and Administrative Services, who pay the same into the City Treasury to the credit of the appropriate Local Improvement District Fund. Neither the department head nor the City Council shall have the power to remit such forfeiture.

(Ord. 123361, § 283, 2010; Ord. 120794 § 222, 2002: Ord. 116368 § 234, 1992: Ord. 109729 § 17, 1981.)