§ 14.17.060. Appeal period and failure to respond  

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  • A.

    An employee or other person who claims an injury as a result of an alleged violation of this Chapter 14.17 may appeal the Determination of No Violation Shown, pursuant to the rules of the Director.


    A respondent may appeal the Director's Order, including all remedies issued pursuant to Section 14.17.055, by requesting a contested hearing before the Hearing Examiner in writing within 15 days of service of the Director's Order. If a respondent fails to appeal the Director's Order within 15 days of service, the Director's Order shall be final. If the last day of the appeal period so computed is a Saturday, Sunday, or federal or City holiday, the appeal period shall run until 5 p.m. on the next business day.

(Ord. 124960 , § 37, 2015; Ord. 124201, § 1, 2013.)