§ 14.10.050. Filing charges.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    An individual charge alleging an unfair contracting practice in connection with a commercially significant contract may be filed by or on behalf of any person who claims to be aggrieved by an unfair contracting practice. A charge alleging that a group is being subjected to an unfair contracting practice in connection with a commercially significant contract may be filed by any member of the group, the Director, a state or federal agency concerned with discrimination in contracting whenever such an agency has reason to believe that an unfair contracting practice has been or is being committed, or any trade association which has reason to believe that an unfair contracting practice has been or is being committed against any of its members.


    A charge alleging an unfair contracting practice shall be in writing on a form or in a format determined by the Department, and signed under oath or affirmation by or on behalf of a charging party before the Director, one of the Department's employees, or any other person authorized to administer oaths, and shall describe the unfair contracting practice complained of and should include a statement of the dates, places and circumstances and the persons responsible for such acts and practices.


    Whenever charges are made by or on behalf of a person claiming to be aggrieved, the person making the charge must provide the Director with the name, address and telephone number of the individual on whose behalf the charge is made. Thereafter, the Director shall verify the authorization of such charge by the person on whose behalf the charge is made and upon the request of such person may keep his or her identity confidential to the extent allowed by law.


    A charge shall not be rejected as insufficient because of failure to include all required information so long as it substantially satisfies the informational requirements necessary for processing.


    A charge alleging an unfair contracting practice or pattern of unfair practices may also be filed by the Director whenever the Director has reason to believe that any person has been engaged or is engaging in an unfair contracting practice.

(Ord. 119601 § 5, 1999.)