§ 14.06.120. Decision and order  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Within 30 days after conclusion of the hearing, the Hearing Examiner shall prepare a written decision and order, file it as a public record with the City Clerk, and provide a copy to each party of record and to the Department.


    Such decision shall contain a brief summary of the evidence considered and shall contain findings of fact, conclusions of law upon which the decision is based, and an order detailing the relief deemed appropriate, together with a brief statement of the reasons supporting the decision.


    In the event the Hearing Examiner or a majority of the panel composed of the Hearing Examiner and designated Commissioners determines that a respondent has committed an unfair practice under this chapter, the Hearing Examiner may order the respondent to take such affirmative action or provide for such relief as is deemed necessary to correct the practice and carry out the purpose of this Chapter 14.04 [14.06]. The Hearing Examiner may grant any relief that could be ordered by a court, including actual damages, damages for loss of the right to full enjoyment of any place of public accommodation, injunctive or equitable relief, reasonable attorney's fees and costs and any other appropriate remedy, except that damages for humiliation and mental suffering shall not exceed $10,000.00. An order may include a requirement for a report on the matter of compliance.


    Any person aggrieved by a final order of the Hearing Examiner may appeal the order on the record to an appropriate court.


    The Department in the performance of its functions may enlist the aid of all departments of City government, and all said departments are directed to fully cooperate with the Department.

(Ord. 123899, § 13, 2012; Ord. 121593 § 29, 2004.)